Weekly Photo Challenge: Temporary

corleyfoto temporary
The deer in our recreation park are somewhat accustomed to humans so afford us more time in their presence than would a totally wild deer. For just a minute, this deer locked eyes with me, I’m sure trying to determine whether I was friend or foe. Although I believe she knew I was no threat to her and allowed me to take her photo. After a brief time, she scampered off into the wood with her white flag waving.

To see more of this week’s challenge, click Temporary.

6 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Temporary

    • My husband goes deer hunting every fall; looks forward to it throughout the year. I have yet to figure out how you can look into eyes like that and then shoot it. I guess intellectually I understand it, but emotionally, no.

      • I know how you feel. I can relate. I could kill a deer if my family was hungry, but it would be difficult.

  1. Pingback: WPC: Temporary | Lillie-Put

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